Garbage Disposal Dos and Don’ts

Garbage disposals are a modern kitchen convenience that can make daily cleanup easier and reduce kitchen waste. However, for optimal performance and longevity, it's essential to use your garbage disposal correctly. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the dos and don'ts of garbage disposal use, offer maintenance tips, and provide insights to help you keep your kitchen plumbing in top shape.

How a Garbage Disposal Works

Before we dive into best practices, it's important to understand how a garbage disposal functions. It's a cylindrical device installed under your kitchen sink that shreds food scraps into tiny particles. These particles are then flushed away with water into your sewage system. Proper use and care can extend the lifespan of your disposal and prevent clogs.

Dos for Efficient Garbage Disposal Use

1. **Use Cold Water:** Always run cold water when operating your garbage disposal. Cold water helps keep fats and oils in solid form, making it easier to break down and flush away.

2. **Cut Food into Small Pieces:** Before sending food scraps down the disposal, cut them into smaller pieces to avoid overloading the unit.

3. **Run Water Before and After:** Turn on the water before you start the disposal and leave it running for a few seconds after you've finished to ensure all food particles are washed away.

4. **Grind Citrus Peels:** Occasionally grind citrus peels (e.g., lemon or orange) to freshen your disposal and combat odors naturally.

5. **Use It Regularly:** A well-maintained disposal is a happy disposal. Use it regularly to prevent rust and corrosion.

Don'ts to Avoid Damage

1. **Avoid Hard Items:** Never put hard items like bones, eggshells, or fruit pits into the disposal, as they can damage the blades.

2. **No Grease or Oil:** Keep grease, oils, and fats out of the disposal. They can congeal in the pipes and cause blockages.

3. **Fibrous Foods:** Fibrous vegetables like celery, corn husks, and onion skins can jam the disposal's motor. Avoid putting them down the drain.

4. **No Starchy Foods:** Foods like pasta, rice, and potato peels can swell when exposed to water, causing clogs.

5. **Stringy Foods:** Avoid sending stringy foods like asparagus, artichokes, or banana peels into the disposal, as they can wrap around the blades.

Maintenance Tips

1. **Keep It Clean:** Periodically clean your disposal by grinding ice cubes and a bit of rock salt. This helps remove debris and maintains a clean, sharp cutting surface.

2. **Check for Leaks:** Regularly inspect your disposal for leaks, loose connections, or unusual noises. Address any issues promptly.

3. **Use Baking Soda and Vinegar:** To combat odors, pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the disposal, followed by cold water.

4. **Professional Maintenance:** Consider scheduling professional maintenance to ensure your disposal is in top working condition.

How Your Gilbert Plumber Can Help!

Garbage disposals are invaluable kitchen tools, but improper use can lead to costly plumbing repairs. By following these dos and don'ts and practicing regular maintenance, you can ensure your garbage disposal remains efficient, odor-free, and trouble-free. Remember that prevention is key when it comes to plumbing, and a well-maintained garbage disposal is a great way to contribute to a smoothly functioning kitchen and plumbing system. If you do find yourself in need of a repair or replacement of your garbage disposal, give No Worries Rooter in Gilbert Arizona a call at 480-405-4497.


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